Come be introduced to the world of oil painting with artist Elle Brown. In this class, Elle will provide a step by step demonstration on how to start and finish an oil painting, walk through oil painting supplies (and how to use them), and the basic "rules" to get you painting on your own. 

This beginner (though all levels of talent are welcome) workshop will be over the span of four hours. By the end of the workshop you will take home an oil painting done on your very own and have gained the knowledge/ resources to become an oil painter yourself. 

While spots for this workshop are limited, it is encouraged (but not required) to sign up with a buddy! Learning to paint and use a new medium can be tricky, bringing someone to laugh and have fun in the process then bounce information off of later is a great way to get started.

If you don't own a single paint brush and the only painting you have ever done is on a wall, that is okay! This workshop will loan you the tools you need to accomplish an entire painting. Already an artist and looking to get out, paint with others, and learn a new trick or two? PERFECT. Feel free to bring your own supplies or use the ones provided. Please consult the supply list or email Elle directly at to ensure suitability of your supplies.